We recently heard about Adam Long, a five-time cancer survivor who has developed a passion for guitar playing. Adam, who is currently battling a recurring form of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer, would visit Martin Music in Memphis, Tennessee in between treatments at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. While at Martin Music, he fell in love with the 314ce and 414ce, and owner Eric Martin took note. After a call from Eric, a plan was quickly devised to help Adam make his dream come true. Here’s his Taylor story, in his words:
I love the sound of all acoustic Taylor guitars. When I first played one several years back I told myself I would buy one one day. There were several unfortunate events that kept me from buying one. I had been fighting and beating cancer. I have fought five different cancers and beat them all. Recently I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I had started treatment of chemotherapy and radiation in Memphis. I decided while I was in treatment I’d go play the Taylors at Martin Music. Like most guitarists, playing a guitar takes my mind off of the real world. It is my escape. With a Taylor it was just that much better when I played. The owner of Martin music invited me to a Taylor Road Show at his store, and I was excited to learn more about the sound differences and the woods and all the shapes. It instilled in me even more of a desire for a Taylor. That night the Taylor guys and the owner of Martin Music asked me to come to the front, where they introduced me to the group. I’m thinking, what’s going on? I know there are better guitarists here than me! They told my story to the group and presented me with a 414ce with beautiful ovangkol! I never cried from happiness until last night! Thank you, Eric Martin, and thank you, Taylor. I have barely stopped playing this thing between chemo and radiation. I LOVE MY TAYLOR GUITAR!
Submitted by: Adam Long
To learn more about Adam’s fight and how you can assist hospitals like St. Jude in their research of pediatric diseases, please visit: http://www.stjude.org/the-fighter